+919741410271 / +918722788493
Indian Power Sector
Section A:
Part One:
Multiple Choices:
1. NTPC has placed appropriate emphasis on the quality aspects in
a. Project Management
b. Maintenance specialist
c. Forecasting
d. CRM
2. Out of the following which one is NOT under Maintenance
a. To maximize plant availability & reliability
b. To optimize maintenance cost.
c. To create safety in work, equipment & environment
d. Management of large size power stations.
3. Import of capital equipment would be free from
a. Income Tax
b. Custom duty
c. Sales tax
d. None
4. Which sector is one of the largest users of gas in India
a. A. telecom
b. Thermal power
c. Power
d. Energy
5. ____________ is the largest private sector Vertically
Integrated Power Utility in the electricity distribution field in India.
b. BTL
c. BTC
6. The government of India has set up a ______________ under the
Chairmanship of the Union Minister of Power with members from the Ministry of
Power, Finance, Coal, Environment, Railway Board, CEA at the level of secretary
to the government
a. Crisis Resolution Group (CRG)
b. CEA
c. PTC
d. None
7. LNG stands for ____ Liquefied Natural Gas.
8. VCP stands for ____________ Vulnerability Contributor Program.
9. KESC stands for ____________ Karachi Electric Supply Corporation.
10. WAPDA stands for ____________ Water and Power Development Authority.
Part Two:
1. Give the new policy initiatives which have been taken by the
government of India in the recent past.
2. What are the few other issues which confront the developers
particularly at the time of finalizing the Power Purchase Agreement?
3. What is Board Organization Structure of the Power Industry?
4. Write a short note on Tata Electric Company.
Section B: Caselets
Caselet 1
Bharat Research Development Corporation (BRDC) was set up as an
autonomous body under the supervision and control of Council of Scientific and
Industrial Research. Its main function was to market the various products as
presses developed by the different laboratories in the country. These covered
such areas as electronics, metallurgy, chemistry, and physics on sale.
The entrepreneurs or industries interested in any of the items can
write to BRDC and upon the payment of nominal sum (ranging from Rs. 5 to 30)
can get a printed report which is termed as a ‘project profile’. This covers
such details as product identification and specifications, potential
applications, types of machinery and raw materials required, cost of the
project and estimated profit levels. If and when an entrepreneur gets
interested in a particular project, he can sign a contract with BRDC for buying
the process. This normally consists of payment of a lump sum fee and royalty on
sales after the production commences, for a period of 5 to 11 years, depending
on the product process. The royalty rates vary from 2% to 5% p.a.
Even after six years of its existence, BRDC is not considered as a
successful venture for several reasons. There are lot many products or
processes for which there are no buyers. on some of the sales effected earlier,
complaints of one type or the other are mounting. These cover such areas as
incorrect estimation of cost of the project, non-availability of raw materials
recommended and many others. However, the major areas of dissent are on the
lack of any marketing data. The entrepreneurs feel that BRDC, a marketing
organisation has failed in marketing organisation has failed in marketing of
its services.
The project profile which is given to the prospective entrepreneur
is prepared by respective research laboratories. They are neither in touch with
the markets nor have the machinery to compile the market data which could be
provided in the project profile. As a result of this situation, the
entrepreneurs cannot establish the marketing feasibility of the project before
they enter into an agreement with BRDC. Suggestions are pouring with BRDC that
before they decided to market a project, a detailed market research should be
done; so that the entrepreneurs will have no doubt in their mind about the
feasibility of the project. The entrepreneurs have even agreed to share the
costs. The proposal has been accepted, in principle. BRDC, at present, does not
have a market research cell. They are wondering whether they should set up
their own cell or should utilize the services of professional market research
agencies, from time to time, on assignment basis.
1. What recommendations would you offer to BRDC? Why?
2. Do you think by giving market research data in ‘project
profiles’, the working of BRDC would show any improvements? Why?
Caselet 2
“After 38 years of working for Agua Energia Electrica, I found
myself in the dilemma of whether accepting a “voluntary” resignation (not
“voluntary” at all, because I was pressured to accept it), or keeping on
fighting in defence of my job. The events of that time are so traumatic that
remembering them makes me shudder. I had always worked honestly, expecting to
retire with honors when the moment came.
My health-deteriorated by stress-could not bear any more, and I
eventually accepted the “voluntary” resignation. Today, at 58 years of age,
having enough years of service but not the required age of 65 stipulated by
law. I cannot retire, nor can I be reinstated because the electricity market is
totally polarized. Nobody takes advantage of my training, what I learnt to do
during nearly four decades. I support my family on occasional jobs. I’ve even
stopped paying our healthcare insurance. I am a person that worked hard to
attain an upper-level post, who achieved it by my own effort, and who lost it
due to a market reorganization that I do not understand and which is destroying
me and my colleagues.” A leader of the APJAE union San Rafael branch, western
zone, 25th February 2000: “As all members of this union know, my co-worker
Carlos Alberto Stocco used to work, during the last phase of Agua Energia
Electrica, in the Transmission department, job which he carried out
efficiently, reaching Category 15, and working full-time. Parallel to this, he
was the President of the San Rafael APJAE Branch. By the time the
privatizations took place, the Transmission department was given to a
concessionaire and transferred to the enterprise Transport de Energia Electrica
por Distribution Troncal de Cuyo S.A., Distrocuyo S.A. at the new enterprise
Mr. Stocco and another member of this union, Alberto Sardi, were persuaded to
disaffiliate from our trade union “because the new management did not want
unionists”. However, they were notified that the new enterprise did intend to
arrange an “internal union”. Ion exchange, they were promised promotions and
pay increase, or, otherwise, they were threatened with dismissal. In this situation,
they resigned from the union. A year later, once protection time established by
the labour law was over; both were dismissed without any explanations. Both
workers then set up-together with other former co-workers in the same
circumstances- a service company, which did not however succeed in bringing the
necessary profits for them to support their families. They compensated this by
doing other activities, from which they obtained good results, but the economic
problem was not only consequence they suffered. The loss of his job caused one
of them a psychological problem that translated into a profound depression and
which, after treatment with no result, led to his suicide.”
1. Describe how the life of workers get effected by working for a long
time in Power Companies
2. What recommendations would you suggest to the worker who wants
to give the resignation in the above case? Why?
Section C: Applied Theory
- This
section consists of Long Questions.
- Answer
all the questions.
- Each
question carries 10 marks.
- Detailed
information should from the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 150
1. Explain Revised Mega Power Project Policy and give the
important features of this policy.
2. Give the response of major concerns and future Outlook of the
Indian Private Power Policy which was introduced in October 1991.
3. State the Inadequacies & Limitations of the State
Electricity Board (SEBs) of Indian Electricity Industry.
+919741410271 / +918722788493
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