Monday, June 14, 2021

NNMIMS Assignment - 1st Semester Solved Answer Sheet

NMIMS APRIL-2023 Assignments

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Case Studies & Projects

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Business Economics


Q1. “The technique of indifference curves has been used not only to explain consumer’s behaviour and demand but also to analyse and explain several other economic problems” in view to the above statement elaborate about indifference curve and its properties.

Q2. Find below hypothetical data for total production costs of a manufacturing firm at various levels of output. Complete the following:


Total cost

Fixed Cost

Variable Cost


Fixed Cost


Variable Cost







































Q3a. Large scale production is considered to be economical in the sense of per unit cost. Explain the statement by describing different types of economies of scale. Give examples to substantiate your answer.

Q3b. Elaborate Cross Demand, Composite Demand and Derived Demand and cite an example to enumerate these types of demand.

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Financial Accounting & Analysis

Q1. Prepare the journal by recording the following transactions:



Mrs. Vinita started business by transferring amount from her saving account to the business bank account Rs500000


She Purchased godown to stock goods worth Rs 100000


She purchased goods for sale, costing her Rs 300000


She sold off the entire goods at Rs 500000, credit sales


She paid salary to employees Rs 20000 through bank account


2. Company DreamHigh Pvt. limited wants to distribute dividend to its shareholders. There are two types of dividend, which a shareholder can receive in any accounting year. Discuss the term dividend, its types, accounting treatment of dividend in the books of accounts and a brief towards how cash flow on account of dividend is reflected in the cash flow of a company.

Q3a. Following are the particulars available for Z and X, LLP

Retained earnings


Accounts receivable




Salaries payable




Unearned revenue


Accounts payable




Prepaid insurance


Common stock



a. Calculate the amount of: -

·       Total assets

·       Total liabilities excluding stockholder equity

·       Total stockholders’ equity

Q3b. Discuss the advantages of preparing the Balance Sheet.


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Information Systems for Managers


Q1. Since its founding in 1994, Amazon has collected reams of information on what millions of people buy, where those purchases are delivered and which credit cards they use. What are Three (3) different types of Analytics that Amazon uses this data for and how does it help them?

Q2. ArcelorMittal is the second largest steel producer in the world, with an annual crude steel production of 78.5 million metric tonnes as of 2018.  Laksmi Mittal is the Chairman and CEO of ArcelorMittal. In this role, what is the Focus of the CEO’s role (i.e., Objectives, Kinds of Decisions, information needed, Timeframes etc.)? What are the Primary IS & Supporting IS Used (Description Data Types, Kind of Data, Type of Processing, which provides data to these IS)?

Q3. Vijay Ananth has just been hired as the CIO at Wilshire Finance. During the interview, the CEO had tasked Vijay with the responsibility of revamping the firm’s IT Infrastructure. Now that Vijay has come onboard, he is keen to get started on the Infra Revamp initiative and has targeted BYOD as his first initiative.

a. What is BYOD? Explain the three (3) levels of BYOD?

b. What are (2 each) Pros & Cons of BYOD? Your Recommendation?

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Management Theory and Practice


Q1. You are hired as a consultant by Thakur Publications, a newly setup organization dealing in publishing books. The CEO wants you to guide the newly recruited management trainees about the Principles of Management. Explain the factors affecting management thought.

Q2. The newly set up management team is divided in their deliberation on a certain topic and require your help. The core area of this discussion is whether Management can be a profession or not. As the head of the forum, can you throw some light on whether Management can be a profession.

Q3.  Mercure, a famous hotel chain in India is losing its market share to its peers. The major reasons contributing to the same is that there is a lot of conflict in the organization due to which correct and timely decisions are not being taken. The company has hired you as a consultant to understand and solve this issue

a. Explain the different types of Conflicts that can arise in an organization?

b. Explain what strategies can be used by Mercure to resolve these conflicts?

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Marketing Management


Q1. Mr. James is planning to buy a new house in a good locality. He has two kids Alan and Sia, his wife is a homemaker. Mr. James has a He has lived all his life on rent and this is the first time he will be buying a house lot of friends in the current society but it doesn’t have a garden, safety devices, or security. James has made professional progress so the budget is not a constraint. According to you, what are the various factors that will influence James in buying a house? (You can make certain assumptions).

Q2. Explain the buyer decision process that you think James will have to follow to purchase his dream house.

Q3a. Mr. James’s daughter Sia has been pressurizing his father to buy Alexa from Amazon. Alexa is capable of voice interaction, music playback, making to-do lists, setting alarms, streaming podcasts, playing audiobooks, and providing weather, traffic, sports, and other real-time information, such as news. Alexa can also control several smart devices using itself as a home automation system. Explain the adoption process that Mr. James will go through who has no idea about Alexa.

Q3b. Take any product category of your choice and explain various product positioning strategies used by all the competitors in the selected category.


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Organizational Behavior


Q1. Sana and Reema joined a quick serve restaurant chain at the head office in the marketing department. Both of them were very happy with the compensation and designation offered to them. Since Sana and Reema joined in the same month so they bonded well together, during one of the conversation Sana got to know that Reema was getting paid 25% more than her. This revelation had caused a conflict between them as it had really saddened Sana, which was observable by her hostile behaviour towards Reema. Sana never missed a chance to make Reema feel miserable. Sana Started comparing the fact that both of them had the same qualification and work experience and still she (Sana) was getting paid less than her peer. The situation had worsened so much that they both stopped communicating with each other. You are the HR manager who has observed all this and now you have to come up with techniques with the help of which this conflict can be resolved. Discuss any 4 (four) techniques of conflict resolution and management. Also, conclude the answer by discussing how organisations can avoid/minimise such conflicts.

Q2. Karan and Sanjay work as Project Lead for two different teams. It has been noticed that Karan is very helpful and empathetic towards his team and supports them in every possible manner. The team in turn is very close knit and can really works hard to accomplish the objectives. They also give Karan full support whenever required by going out of their way. Whereas Sanjay just wants to get the work done by being a tight fisted man. He reprimands his team members in front of outsiders. He only instructs his team and is never in execution front.  Sanjay's team is really petrified of him and always is under fear. Team's motivation is very low and everyone is searching for opportunity to move out of Sanjay's team. Compare the leadership style of Karan and Sanjay. Conclude by discussing that in a workplace which style of leadership is better suited.

Q3. Rajat and Suresh have got their yearly targets and both of them are working hard to surpass each other as by the year end the one who achieves the maximum is going to be awarded in the sales conference with a cash prize of Rs. 50000 which would be given by the CEO of the company. They both are doing their best to win this contest for Rajat, the prime factor is money as he has recently got married and his expenses have increased. Whereas, Suresh comes from a very affluent family and for him getting recognized in front of PAN India team and by the CEO is the driving force. Here, we can see that both Rajat and Suresh had different motives.

a. Based on the above scenario discuss the different types of motives which regulate the behaviour of individuals.

b. With the help of Maslow need hierarchy theory discuss why Rajat, Suresh and even every individual has different motive?


NMIMS APRIL-2023 Assignments

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Case Studies & Projects

Contact: Prakash

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NNMIMS September 2021 Assignment |

1st Semester Solved Answer Sheet

MBA Assignment | Project Report & Dissertation Report Help | Contact: Prakash| Call: +919741410271 or Email: | Visit: -

Marketing Management


1. You want to buy a car for your personal usage. As a potential customer, explain the stages that you will follow in the process of buying a car.

2 Health and Nutrition Start-Up, Habbit makes consumer debut with a range of Innovative & delicious Products. The Habbit Super Shake is a daily nutrition drink for the entire family. A glass of Habbit Super Shake covers all your essential nutrition requirements. It consists of all essential fibers, healthy omega, vitamins and minerals with zero added sugar to give a super start to your day. Considering that they have entered in consumer market for the first time, how the brand should be positioned in the market?

3 Read the following Case & solve the questions given:

Bharat Motors has been selling the “Konard” brand of passenger cars in India for the last 60 years. Their car has been the leading car market share wise for the last 50 years. But, for the last 5 years the scenario has changed. Many multinational car companies have entered the country and introduced highly fuel efficient, user friendly, & high performance models in the country. The buyers have thus seen the market change from sellers to buyers’ market. Spectacular product characteristics have become the rule of the day. Resultantly Konard has rapidly and constantly lost the market share. Realizing that the company has no other alternative, they have tied up with a leading car company of Korea and are now ready to launch an absolutely new and drastically improved version of the old faithful Konard.


a. Is the company’s strategy of tie up with Korea car manufacturer and the readiness to launch a completely newer version of Konard a wise decision? Justify your answer.

b. Suggest promotional tools which the company can use to help it develop a completely new image for its product.

MBA Assignment | Project Report & Dissertation Report Help | Contact: Prakash| Call: +919741410271 or Email: |

Business Economics

1. “Demand forecasting is an important tool for predicting the demand for an organization’s products or services in a specified time period in the future” Enumerate any three needs for demand forecasting and discuss the steps involved in demand forecasting.

2. From the given table calculate TR, MR and AR and highlight the relationship between total revenue (TR) and marginal revenue (MR).














3. A. The disposable income of Mehta family increases from Rs 5000 to Rs 15,000. As a result, the family’s demand for milk and milk goods has increased from 30 litres to 60 litres per month. Calculate the income elasticity of demand.

3. B. A drop in the price of lemons from Rs 100 per kg to Rs 60 Per Kg increases the quantity demanded from 1.75 to 7 kg per week. Calculate the price elasticity of demand.

MBA Assignment | Project Report & Dissertation Report Help | Contact: Prakash| Call: +919741410271 or Email: |

Information Systems for Managers

1. Identify some of the Green IT practices being followed by any company of your choice to offset the adverse impact of their business on the environment. Please provide the benefits of using Green IT practices in quantitative numbers/statistics (for e.g Reduced energy consumption by 25%).

2. The subject of “Information Systems for Managers” has impacted you so positively that you decide to convert your own house/building/apartment into a Smart Building. Suggest 5 innovative solutions towards a Smart Building & enlist their benefits for yourself and your neighbourhood.

3. You are a medium sized Travel & Tourism company based in Mumbai by the name of “Kesari Travels”. Owing to the past developments of terrorist attacks & heavy flooding in Mumbai, you are very keen to have a Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Plan in place.

a. What Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity features will you introduce for your company? Suggest & briefly describe at least 2 such innovative initiatives?

b. If your IT consultant provides you a choice between ‘Real-time mirroring of your data’ OR ‘Periodic back-up of your data’ which one of the proposed solutions will you choose as CIO of Kesari Travels? Justify with 2 reasons behind your choice & decision.

MBA Assignment | Project Report & Dissertation Report Help | Contact: Prakash| Call: +919741410271 or Email: | Visit: -

Organizational Behaviour

1. Do you think the modern approach of OB is relevant in current times? Support your views with in-depth justification.

2. Briefly explain the Big Five personality traits & rate any 2 individuals from your personal (relative or friend) / professional life (manager / client / co-worker) on the same.

3. As effective as technology has proven to be during lockdown for most organizations across the globe, work from home for extended hours has its own set of challenges. Without much face-to-face human interaction with coworkers and clients, it becomes difficult to connect with our professional counterparts. These leaders to a drop in motivation levels and overall productivity.

a. In the given scenario, how can Goal Setting Theory be applied to improve performance?

b. How will you apply McClelland’s Needs Theory to enhance motivation at the workplace?

MBA Assignment | Project Report & Dissertation Report Help | Contact: Prakash| Call: +919741410271 or Email: |

Management Theory & Practice

1. You are hired as a trainer by Rustica Metallics, a newly setup organization dealing in manufacturing of metallic parts for automobiles especially electric cars. The CEO wants you to train the newly recruited management trainees about the Principles of Management. Explain the principles of Management to these newly recruited employees by taking the help of Henri Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management?

2. You are part of a forum and research group where they are having a major discussion and research on Management. The core area of this discussion is whether Management is an Art or a Science. As the chairman of the forum, can you throw some light on whether Management is an art or a science or both and why?

3. SpiceJet, a famous no frill airline in India is losing its market share to its peers. The major reasons contributing to the same is that there is a lot of conflict in the organization due to which correct and timely decisions are not being taken. The company has hired you as a consultant to understand and solve this issue

a. Explain the different types of Conflicts that can arise in an organization?

b. Explain what strategies can be used by SpiceJet to resolve these conflicts?

MBA Assignment | Project Report & Dissertation Report Help | Contact: Prakash| Call: +919741410271 or Email: |

Financial Accounting and Analysis

1. This pandemic situations has drawn the attention of a lot of individuals to actively watch and participant in the Indian financial market. As a life-long learner, you also decide to understand the fundamentals of certain companies listed on the stock exchanges in India. One of your friends advised you to look in to the various techniques of financial analysis, as one of the way of evaluating the financials of business entities. You are done with getting an understanding about various techniques of financial analysis. Elaborate any five of the said techniques for financial analysis.

2. Mahesh wants to start his business and for that he decides that he will take loan for Rupees 7 Lakhs from the Bank of Baroda. He also decides to use his saving worth 3 lakhs in the bank account to start the business. Discuss how these two transactions will be recorded in the books of accounts by passing the relevant journal entries? How these transactions will be reflected in the Books of accounts (that’ is in the financial statements)? Lastly, conclude your answer by stating the applicability of which accounting assumption/s you did the above mentioned accounting treatment/ recognition and presentation in the books of accounts.

3. Take Britannia Industries Ltd as a case. In the context of its financial statements and annual report answer the following

a. It’s a largely acceptable practice among the corporate entities to pay dividend to its shareholders. Take Britannia Industries Ltd as a case. Discuss and differentiate the types of dividend the company paid for the financial year 2020-2021. Also, mention your understanding about what could be the accounting treatment of Dividend in the books of Britannia Industries Ltd.

b. Discuss and share your understanding on any three profitability ratios which you feel relevant to assess the profitability of the company.

MBA Assignment | Project Report & Dissertation Report Help | Contact: Prakash| Call: +919741410271 or Email: | Visit: -

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